Dance, Movement

What Moves Beneath

ARE YOU EVEN DANCING? ❤️ ONE question to ask yourself – it will change everything when you’re dancing with veil (or any prop for that matter!) Why? Because how YOU move is what makes all the difference. Having a dance with props (or without!) look fluid and smooth is not about the ‘moves’ you can… Read More What Moves Beneath

Inspiration, Movement

A You-Care BOOST

SELF CARE CRUSADER – That’s my job these days. Here’s why: I firmly believe that taking good care of ourselves is important. It can change the course of your life, and of those around you(!) for the better, forever I also know this is not always easy to do, or even to figure out where… Read More A You-Care BOOST

Movement, Nature

Summer Views

VIEWS – Some things only get more beautiful through the years. Mom’s gorgeous garden by the Meuse. Always makes me happy to see it. Enjoy!!  

Movement, Nature

Eschweiler Wald and Clouds

A wonderful walk (with dramatic clouds) together with Mr. E in Eschweiler Wald. We’re at the half-way point of this year as I write this. A perfect time to look back (and  ahead), don’t you think? What do you dream of for the next part of this year? Please share in the comment below! Enjoy!