Movement, Nature

Brander Wald in Spring

BRANDER WALD – Finally getting around to sharing these.. Keep an eye out for more Aachener spring walkies of April & May 2024 PS: Scroll all the way to the end of the carousel for a bonus cat ENJOY!!

Movement, Nature

Magnolia Time

It’s that time of the year again! Meet the ‘Martial Magnolia’ – A gorgeous tree just outside of Sportschule Chae, our ‘Martial Arts home’ since October 2015. So beautiful. Right? We’ve been lucky enough to see this beautiful tree in bloom every year now here since 2016 (more on that later, I’ll be posting more… Read More Magnolia Time

Movement, Nature


The sun, a brook, blue sky, the light, my love.. Beautiful brander wald walk in the winter sun. Woodland walks are one of my absolute favorite ways to recalibrate, reset, rest and recharge. How about you?

Movement, Nature

Wurmtaler Winter Walk

Wonderful winterly walk at Wurmtaler Wald today with Mr. E – Nature time.. just what the soul needed ☺️💫🌳✨ To my WOWbis: Check todays post and stories at for tips on how to prioritize and plan based on last year’s reflections 👀 —— To my BOOSTie Members: We will dive into this topic tomorrow… Read More Wurmtaler Winter Walk

Movement, Nature

Blausteinsee in October

Caught a beautiful sunny-and-cloudy evening late October, walking around Eschweiler’s Blausteinsee with Mr. E. Enjoy!! How about you? What are your favorite walking routes/places? Please share in the comments below!

Movement, Nature

Summer in Bad Ebernburg

AUGUST – Ooh, where did the summer go? Going through the pictures of the past few months.. revisiting, reliving, re-appreciating the moments spent in nature Here are some impressions from Bad Ebernburg Am Stein in Germany, a beautiful spa town where we attended a Korean Sword (HDGD) Camp with Grandmaster Chulkyung Lee and Grandmaster Seung-Eun Chae (hosted… Read More Summer in Bad Ebernburg