SEAS OF TIME – This one is a mix of all my thoughts and ponderings of June. What do YOU ‘Sea’ in this image?

Let me know below!
Usually, when I make ‘a thing’ (a blog post, a post, a dance, a class, or – like here – a digital collage), I don’t have a clear ‘vision’ yet before I start.
Sometimes, yes. But usually, no.
The Inspiration comes with the Doing. The Muse waits for us.. not the other way around.
She likes Action.
And, quite often, I discover some meanings – vague or clear ones – in what I make. But only by the time ‘it’ is ready.
It’s interesting to try and follow the threads of intuition, without knowing the outcome.
Takes a bit of Courage at first, but, like everything, I see it as a Practice.
Like a puzzle, the bigger picture falls in place in the end, usually after some reshuffling.
This is why I’ll often create a dance, or take a picture, or write some words (PS: swipe the caroussel for more pictures from this impromptu mini home shoot!) and if I feel it’s not ‘quite that’ yet.. I let it rest.

I then start on something else. OR – when I’m feeling extra brave – I might publish, or perform whatever it is, quickly.. even if un-ready.
Before I lose the Momentum.

And then give myself permission to rethink, rework, repurpose and/or revise things later on.
This way I don’t get ‘stuck’ so much on judgement of creative works (I used to, very much!) and the learning will go much quicker.
Sometimes, things are ‘ready’ in one go.
Usually though, the true ‘usage’ is be revealed quite a bit later on.
I never truly know beforehand.
I like it that way. I’ve stopped questioning now. I simply make.
So.. what do I see:
💜 The Fluidity of Life, and Time ⏳
💜 Our Dreams and Ideas, hiding just below the Surface 🐦
💜 Dancing with our deeper Selves, always near, yet not always easy to perceive 👀
💜 Keys that can be found in our Subconscious, just within/without our Grasp 🗝
💜 Realizations from the Deep 🐚 (or highlighted from outside 🌤)
💜 Our Ideas swimming to the Surface, if we don’t get in the Way 🐠⭐️
Deep (har!)huh?
PS: Want to study with me online? You can! Sign up HERE to join my FREE Double Veil Romance Workshop!
And if you want more (MOARR!!) then join me for BOOST Season 3 – Arms, Posture & Props HERE!