Dance, Movement

Dancing with Silks

ONE WITH YOUR FANVEILS – How to move with props & make it DANCE?

Read on Below for Tips & feel free to share this Post!

1. Move from the Heart

This I mean literally and figuratively.

Move from the center of your upper body, breathe, and pay attention to what’s going on inside your body/mind during practice.

ESPECIALLY if you tend to get distracted while performing.

Chances are, it is connected.

You can practive your mindset and use the power of your imagination FOR you, and not against you (as we often tend to do)

What this means?

  • Tell yourself good things while dancing.
  • Remember why you love to move and create.
  • Allow yourself to learn as you go.

My Top Tip: Imagine (really!) that you’re enjoying your performance with every cell of your body.

Tune in to your senses to tune into your body: Feel the flow of air as you move, hear the music, hear the silk, feel your feet on the floor, feel your wrists, relax them.. notice your breath, and let it flow.

2. Create Imagery

Do this with the silks, AND with your body lines.

  • Imagine you’re a painter, creating moving images on a big, invisible, 2 AND 3D canvas.
  • Use the area between the lines of your body and the lines of your silks to create ‘dark space images’ (Comment 😗 below if you’re not sure what I mean 😄)
  • Take up ALL the space (work on opening your posture as part of your practice, have a conditioning/stretching routine in place that feels good for YOU – (cough
  • Work on smooth traveling steps and turns as well as expansive poses that look amazing on YOUR body to get the MAXIMUM of joy, confidence and visual impact in ALL your silk prop dances

3. Be sure to DANCE.

This one makes all the difference.

  • Try out (film!) how your dance would look WITHOUT the props, and tweak/adapt/refine/polish accordingly.
  • Usually it’s a matter of tweaking your posture and adjusting your joint positions in motion
  • Mobilize your ribcage, wake up your core, open your hips and lengthen (yet relax, yet activate) your EVERYTHING (my BOOSTies know 👀🦖)
  • THEN relax, enjoy, & above all.. FLOW ❤️


Feel free to share this post & follow me at for more Silk Dance Tips 🤗

PS: The gorgeous fire fanveils in the main picture are by Eszti Rácz of Flowsilkuk – Use code ‘KHALIDA10’ to get 10% of all fanveil orders at her Etsy store

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