Martial Arts, Movement

Sword and Ball

Today in HaiDong GumDo (Korean Sword Art) class, we practiced Deon-Jeo Begi (throw cutting) For students of our (colour grade belt) level, this means throwing a small object (for instance a tennis ball, or light rubber ball) up in the air, drawing your (non-sharp wooden practice-) sword with that same hand(!), and cutting the thrown… Read More Sword and Ball

Martial Arts, Movement

A Break-Through

Recently, both in Haidong Gumdo and Taekwondo classes, a surprising (to me!) thing happened. I had come back to classes for the first time after a serious dance travel bout, and: – For the first time in my (admittedly short) sword class student life I was able to fairly consistently execute a horizontal cut from… Read More A Break-Through

Martial Arts, Movement

Competition Love

It’s been a long time since I’ve last taken part in a dance competition, although I still do enjoy being a judge! I have recently re-discovered my love for competing through Martial Arts. What is it that I love about it? It teaches me to stay focused under pressure, to prepare consciously for peak performance,… Read More Competition Love

Martial Arts, Movement

The ‘Why’ of Practice

During a profoundly inspirational Haidong Gumdo (Korean Sword Art) seminar with EUHGA Headmaster Sang-Hyun Han, the following question was asked by one of the participants: ‘why do we put ourselves through suffering in practice?’ I can’t piece together the exact answer, but I do remember I felt deeply inspired. The gist of Master Han’s response was:… Read More The ‘Why’ of Practice

Martial Arts, Movement

The Magic of Slow

If there is one thing that preparations for our Taekwondo black belt test has taught Mr E and me, it’s that there is pure magic in practising slowly. We wanted to combine studying the Korean terms for movements with cleaning up our technique and basic stances, so we practised by naming each movement, transition and… Read More The Magic of Slow

Martial Arts, Movement

Online Kickboxing

During the past few weeks I’ve been working on our first (in benefit of Dance4Children) self-produced mini-kickboxing workout. It is now available! (in downloadable and streaming format) at And we’re really excited about it. It was great to see ‘our’ D4C coaches at work together, and very interesting for me to do the filming/editing… Read More Online Kickboxing